Dr. ERHARD´s consultation
- Clinique du Tonkin
- Polyclinique du Beaujolais
- Orthopedic Surgery and Hand Traumatology
Professional experience
- Medical School, University of Strasbourg 1988-1994
Completed hospital internships at Lyon Hospital 1994- 2001:
- 6 months internship at Hand Surgery with Dr G. Foucher
- 6 months internship at Mayo Clinic Rochester USA
- Former clinical director, Lyon Hospital 2001-2005
Degrees and Training
- Master of Medical and Biological Science, 1993
- Post graduate diploma in Micro Surgery
- Post graduate diploma in Hand Surgery Pathology 1998
- Doctor in Medical Science, 2000.
- Post graduate diploma in Mechanical Engineering, September 2001
- Post graduate diploma in General Surgery, November 2001
- Post graduate diploma in Orthopedic Surgery, 2003
- GCS Administrator for the Hand Surgery Network in the Rhóne-Alpes and Auvergne Regions.
Scientific Societies
- Member of the Société Française De Chirurgie De La Main ( (French Society for Surgery of the Hand))
Publications and Papers
- 2010 : Réparation du Pronator Quadratus par surjet aller-retour dans la voie de Henry (Pronator quadratus repair using the Henry approach with an outward-return running suture). L. ERHARD C. BOU FARAH K. ELKHOLTI M. NINOU P. ROSTOUCHER. "Tips and Tricks for Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery" 6th Congress Paris Val de Grâce.
- 2010 Place de la Chirurgie orthopédique (The Role of Orthopedic Surgery). Second Congress on botulinum toxin: Hand Surgery for Children with Brain Paralyisis. Centre des massues. L. ERHARD M. NINOU P. ROSTOUCHER K. ELKHOLTI V. LOCQUET F. BREDEN
- 2013 Union des Réseaux Prévention Main.(Network of Hand Surgery Associations). News: L. ERHARD T. DUBERT G. GUEGEN, FESUM 7th Congress. Clermont Ferrand.
- 2013 Reconstruction de la base de la deuxième phalange par greffe ostéo-cartilagineuse partielle d'hamatum. (Reconstruction of the second phalanx base with a partial osteo-cartilaginous transplant from the hamate bone). M. BURNIER M. POZZETTO M. NINOU P. ROSTOUCHER L. ERHARD GEM 2013
- 2008 Réparation du pronator quadratus par surjet aller-retour dans la voie de Henry ( (Pronator quadratus repair using the Henry approach with an outward-return running suture). Erhard L, Bou farah C, Elkholti K, Ninou M, Rostoucher P. in Fracture articulaires du Radius Distal (Articular Fractures in Distal Radius). Guillaume Herzberg. Sauramps Médical. Paris.
- 2009 Anatomie fonctionnelle de la membrane interosseuse de l’avant-bras (Functional Anatomy of the Inter Osseums Membrane of the Forearm). Erhard L. in Avant-bras post traumatique Arthroscopie Arthroplastie. Guillaume Herzberg. Sauramps Médical. Paris.
- 2013 La cicatrisation tendineuse in « Rééducation de la main et du poignet » Anatomie fonctionnelle et techniques (M. Boutan, D. Thomas, S Celerier, V. Casoli, F. Moutet). Erhard L (Tendon Healing in Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation.Functional Anatomy and Techniques)
Awaiting publication,Chapter of
2014 Fractures de l’articulation métacarpo phalangienne des doigts longs, ostéosynthèse, resurfaçage ou prothése ? (Metacarpophalangeal joint fractures o fthe long fingers, ostheosynthesis, resurfacing or prothesis?)
Assistant : Angélique
E-mail : secretariat.icmms@gmail.com
E-mail : secretariat.icmms@gmail.com